Friday, October 28, 2011

Evaluation Time

Every year, around this time, I get a little depressed.  Yes, tri season (for the most part) is over.  I posted last week that I was going to do Miami 70.3 if I had a good training weekend last week.  Well, I did.  So Sunday night, I went to sign up and general entry had closed and there were only Blazeman Foundation slots left.  I am a supporter of the ALS Foundation, but was not in the financial position to pay $500.00 for the slot and then the ancillary things that go along with racing.  Unfortunately, I am back to taking my month off from running and training.  Do not get me wrong, I will still ride my bike and swim (maybe once a week each), but I am at ease knowing I don't HAVE to get up in the morning and ride or run long.  This will be a nice break from training before we jump into Ironman Coeur D'Alene training. 

Julie has spoken about coming to FL to extend her season a little bit.  We have races into December down here.  She wants to come down for Thanksgiving and run in the Subaru Distance Classic (formally Outback Distance Classic) on Thanksgiving day.  Great race in northeast FL that has about 10,000 people race (before they go home and stuff themselves with Turkey, MMM)- the real motivation, HA. 

The week after that there is an Olympic Distance race in Key West on December 3.  I said if she came for Thanksgiving that I would do both of the events with her.  We will see what she decides to do.  (  Would be great if she did because that would be the first triathlon or running event we have done together.  Would be a great experience and maybe I could help push her to a new 13.1 PR. 

One thing I am committing to is the Horrible Hundred in Clermont, FL.  Clermont is known as the "hilly" part of FL and actually has some decent rollers with once decent climb of about 500 feet in 1/2 mile called "Sugarloaf".  They have a 35, 70 and 100 mile distance and will be nice to go down with some friends and have a fun, training ride without any worry about speed or time.  (  The following is a video of the top of Sugarloaf hill.  I climb this hill at about 7 MPH, it does have some steep grades to it. 

On another note, Today, as most days send me emails and links to articles and races.  There was a great article by Chris Janzen of called How to learn from your triathlon season (  If you have the time to take a look at this article you, it will help you review your season and help you look towards a "successful" 2012 season (this will be different for all triathletes).  One thing he does mention is to take the time to write your goals and aspirations down.  I am quickly going to run down the list of 9 things he says that you should contemplate this off season:

1.  Were your season goals clear and attainable?
2.  What were you most proud of this season?
3.  What would you like to duplicate next year?
4.  What frustrated or disappointed you this year?
5.  What do you not want to happen next year?
6.  What did you learn by going through these experiences?
7.  What decisions did you make that were empowering to you?
8.  What habits seemed to hold you back from achieving your potential?
9.  What decisions should you make in order to have your best triathlon season ahead?

As I have mentioned previously, writing down goals make them concrete and visible to you each day.  There is no where to hide from written goals and they will definitely help you make that early morning wake up call. 

If anyone would like to post their own goals for the 2012 season we can all help motivate one another.  Here are a few of my goals for the upcoming year:

1.  In February run a sub 3:30 marathon
2.  In March, at the Great Clermont Challenge- finish in the top 5 in my age group
3.  April - Post a sub 4:45 at Ironman NOLA 70.3
4.  St Anthony's Triathlon - post a top 8 finish in my age group
5.  Ironman Coeur D'Alene post a 12 hour IM (not sure how bad the hills will be)
6.  Qualify for USAT Age Group Nationals
7.  Qualify for 5150 Hy Vee US National Championship


Julie said...

I am hoping everything works out to come down to FL and do those races! I realize my focus on my training disappears when there are no races in my lineup. Finishing an Olympic would be a great goal to finish the year. This year I would have run my first half marathon, completed my first sprint tri, beaten my half marathon record, and completed an olympic. Sounds pretty good to me!

Dan said...

Those are great goals. Then we can get you training for Ironman NOLA 70.3 in April. Would be great to race with you in December in Key West!

Now it is time to set your goals for 2012!