Friday, December 9, 2011

Sibling TRIvalry has moved

We are finally cutting our ties with Blogger, good riddance. We are still in the process of transferring everything over, but we are already liking our new site.

Please make note of our new site and if you follow, make sure to update the RSS feed. Add our page to your favorites :) and don't forget to like us on Facebook, cause we know you do.

Here's to be being bigger and better in 2012!
Thanks everyone!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

OUCH, It hurts

It's time!  I have taken 6 weeks off from training (well except for two half marathons that I ran and a horrible hundred bike ride).  As I come back I always wonder why it was so easy for me to get out of the routine of not training, but a long sluggish road to get back into it.  I hope someone else experiences this cause  I can't be the only one can I?  That is now in the past and it is time to refocus and start preparing for my tri season which will include a few "A" races:

Ironman New Orleans 70.3 in April
Ironman Coeur D'Alene in June
Hy Vee Us Championships in September

I think the hardest thing to do is train in the off season when there aren't any races for months.  The first scheduled race I am going to do is at the end of March in Clermont, Florida during the great Clermont Challenge.  Earlier in the year than most triathletes but, I am always chomping at the bit by the time March rolls around and I absolutely love the race course down there.  I am uber competitive so that helps me focus and anytime I want to take an unscheduled day off I always think about the other athletes out there pushing themselves to kick my butt on race day.  I saw a saying on a Nike shirt that I loved, it said, "I kick my butt today so that I can kick yours tomorrow".
So this week I am easing myself back into the routine and swam on Monday for the first time since October 16.  If anyone has taken a substantial time off from the pool and then jumped backed in, you know what I went through- breathing heavy, sore muscles, inefficient swim stroke- ahhhh yes the joys of swimming.  Why do you like to swim again Julie?  This is my worst of the disciplines so I have to force myself to the pool.  Once I am there I am good, but Monday was tough.  I swam 50 laps and to my surprise I didn't lose that much speed, just endurance.  This will obviously take some time to build that endurance back again. 

Yesterday I rode on the spinner bike for an hour.  Yep, my legs were wondering what the **** was I doing?  I need to get them to have some endurance as Sunday I will begin my group rides back with the Open Road Bicycles (Best Bike shop in Jacksonville) and they aren't going to wait for me if I tell them, "I am sucking wind".  I think they actually get enjoyment out of punishing me and making me suffer, but I welcome it because the only way to get better is to ride with people better than yourself.  So bring the pain!
Triathlon is 90% mental so if you can persevere through the tough times, when your body is screaming at you to quit then you will make yourself a better athlete.  Heck, if you can do this in your everyday life as well, you will make yourself a stronger, more resilient person. 

So the pool is calling my name again tomorrow...Yippee - did you sense that sarcasm?  Followed by a short 1-2 mile run. 
It feels good to be back and I am looking forward to hearing other triathlon stories along the road through next Spring, Summer and Fall.  Work hard and enjoy every moment. 

PS- I know I have been waiting for the Ironman World Championships to be aired on NBC and they are finally here....Saturday, December 10 at 4:30 PM EST catch the greatest one day event in the world! ENJOY AND BE INSPIRED!