Friday, December 9, 2011

Sibling TRIvalry has moved

We are finally cutting our ties with Blogger, good riddance. We are still in the process of transferring everything over, but we are already liking our new site.

Please make note of our new site and if you follow, make sure to update the RSS feed. Add our page to your favorites :) and don't forget to like us on Facebook, cause we know you do.

Here's to be being bigger and better in 2012!
Thanks everyone!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

OUCH, It hurts

It's time!  I have taken 6 weeks off from training (well except for two half marathons that I ran and a horrible hundred bike ride).  As I come back I always wonder why it was so easy for me to get out of the routine of not training, but a long sluggish road to get back into it.  I hope someone else experiences this cause  I can't be the only one can I?  That is now in the past and it is time to refocus and start preparing for my tri season which will include a few "A" races:

Ironman New Orleans 70.3 in April
Ironman Coeur D'Alene in June
Hy Vee Us Championships in September

I think the hardest thing to do is train in the off season when there aren't any races for months.  The first scheduled race I am going to do is at the end of March in Clermont, Florida during the great Clermont Challenge.  Earlier in the year than most triathletes but, I am always chomping at the bit by the time March rolls around and I absolutely love the race course down there.  I am uber competitive so that helps me focus and anytime I want to take an unscheduled day off I always think about the other athletes out there pushing themselves to kick my butt on race day.  I saw a saying on a Nike shirt that I loved, it said, "I kick my butt today so that I can kick yours tomorrow".
So this week I am easing myself back into the routine and swam on Monday for the first time since October 16.  If anyone has taken a substantial time off from the pool and then jumped backed in, you know what I went through- breathing heavy, sore muscles, inefficient swim stroke- ahhhh yes the joys of swimming.  Why do you like to swim again Julie?  This is my worst of the disciplines so I have to force myself to the pool.  Once I am there I am good, but Monday was tough.  I swam 50 laps and to my surprise I didn't lose that much speed, just endurance.  This will obviously take some time to build that endurance back again. 

Yesterday I rode on the spinner bike for an hour.  Yep, my legs were wondering what the **** was I doing?  I need to get them to have some endurance as Sunday I will begin my group rides back with the Open Road Bicycles (Best Bike shop in Jacksonville) and they aren't going to wait for me if I tell them, "I am sucking wind".  I think they actually get enjoyment out of punishing me and making me suffer, but I welcome it because the only way to get better is to ride with people better than yourself.  So bring the pain!
Triathlon is 90% mental so if you can persevere through the tough times, when your body is screaming at you to quit then you will make yourself a better athlete.  Heck, if you can do this in your everyday life as well, you will make yourself a stronger, more resilient person. 

So the pool is calling my name again tomorrow...Yippee - did you sense that sarcasm?  Followed by a short 1-2 mile run. 
It feels good to be back and I am looking forward to hearing other triathlon stories along the road through next Spring, Summer and Fall.  Work hard and enjoy every moment. 

PS- I know I have been waiting for the Ironman World Championships to be aired on NBC and they are finally here....Saturday, December 10 at 4:30 PM EST catch the greatest one day event in the world! ENJOY AND BE INSPIRED!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

DIY Huaraches Running Sandals

Lately I have been cruising through Born to Run, Christopher McDougall's exploration into ultra-running, the documentation of the running tribe, the tarahumaras, and the organization of a race that brought together an wild group of endurance athletes.

The rebirth of barefoot running is credited to this book. Of course, we have all see the Vibram FiveFinger shoes, which although are smart in theory, or extremely unattractive. Seriously people, you look ridiculous and I don't like seeing your toes individually wrapped. Anyway, this is not a rant on fashion, but rather my curiosity into the huaraches that were mentioned. Huaraches are running sandals and were foot covering of choice by one of the runners in the book. Previously being in the footwear industry I was interested in the process of how to make a pair at home.

I found these step by step instructions for a basic pair of running sandals created by Steven Sashen of (check out their blog here). I would definitely like to try making these sometimes. I am still not anxious to put a pair on and run, but maybe that will change when I make my own kick-ass pair. I haven't fully looked into getting all the materials needed for the sandals, but I did come across Luna Sandals, which offers a DIY kit as well as a la cart materials for purchase, or some pretty sweet looking, but spendy, already-made sandals.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Subaru Distance Classic Race Review

The Subaru Distance Classic in Jacksonville FL marked the first time Dan and I have raced together. Having someone else to run side-by-side with was an incredible booster, especially when it is someone you look up to.

And then somewhere along the delusional mile 11, I couldn't stand Dan's positive attitude anymore and I yelled out "stop talking to me" as I put both of my earbuds back in my ears.

This is what Sibling TRIvalry is all about.

Up until mile 9 I was feeling great, then it all started to become a struggle. I was low on calories and at that point my stomach wasn't interested in taking in any GU's or other oddly textured substances.

For breakfast I had my typical peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a banana, and a Gatorade Prime. Dan pointed out that I greatly under-pb'd my sandwich and recommended putting at least 3 Tbs on. I guess that was my first mistake. Also the Gatorade Prime tasted exceptionally sugary that morning so I only drank half: my second mistake. Next time I may mix it with water or find an alternative because I can't stomach the syrupy taste. Dan and I did take mix in some Chia seeds in our water before we left the house, which I like to think helped counteract my other nutrition mistakes.

Hey, and what do we say about trying new foods on race day. WRONG! So why did I chose to eat Shot blocks instead of GU's during the race? Oh I don't know. I love Shot Blocks and while they are definitely not new to me, I usually don't intake them while I am running. While I was chewing and chewing trying to get one block down, I was missing the slip 'n slide of the GUs.

My goal for the race was to beat my last personal record of 1:51 (roughly a 8:28 minute mile). I set an ambitious goal of hitting 1:45 which is roughly a 8:01 pace. Dan made a great attempt at keeping us on track for that time, unfortunately I started to fade and started to get frustrated at my lack of energy.

Dan and I were testing the theory that racing is about 10% physical and 90% mental. Our week leading up to the race, we did so many things that aren’t recommended for training: eating poorly (pizza, burgers and beer…yum!), I ran about 6 miles the whole week while Dan topped out at 2 miles, we stayed up late, and to top it all off we decided we would run in brand new sneakers! So, for the poor training, a 1:45 was really ambitious. (If you want to gauge your race time, here is a helpful calculator.)

Anyway, this course was f-l-a-t. Welcome to Florida, I guess! There may have been a two foot elevation gain throughout the whole race. The route was very residential and to my surprise, never made it into town. I think the race coordinators also did a good job at making sure the whole route would be in shade which was a major benefit towards the end of the race when the temperature was starting to rise. It was also great to have race clocks at each mile marker to help gauge pace.

As we turned the corner to the finish line I knew that my time was going to be close. There was no way that I accept a later time than my Bellingham Bay time (with the winds and hills of that race), so I hit the gas and sprinted losing Dan in the process (there goes our photo op!). Speaking of photos, while we haven’t found race day photos yet online, I am sure my finishing line photo has me looking like I am about to puke. Sure to bring some laughs.

This course definitely wasn't my favorite, but wasn't boring. The race packets were a little disappointing with mostly just advertisements. They did give out tech race shirts and this one actually fit me...although the neon orange color is only safe for the eyes at night or on a construction site. Kudos for the great finisher medals though!

And another example of what Sibling TRIvalry is all about:
Dan and I have decided to sign up for another half marathon (OUC Half Marathon) next Saturday. Of course, the Key West Tri is not completely off the table. More to come!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Rude Awakening...

Sorry, it has been a while since I have posted to the blog. As I discussed in a few earlier posts, I decided to take the last 5 weeks off from training, gain a few pounds, eat all the foods I avoid while in training, stay out late and drink the occasional beer.  For the first time in three years, I actually stuck to my plan think I have recharged my batteries for a successful year next year. 

Tomorrow, the Subaru Distance Classic  (a Thanksgiving tradition)  is being held in Jacksonville.  Earlier this month, I told myself that I was not going to run in the event because it was still in my "off season" and I really wanted to give myself the time off I craved.  Julie had been contemplating coming to visit over Thanksgiving, but up until this past Saturday, her coming to Florida didn't seem like it would come to fruition.  Alas, I was wrong, we found a great flight on Jet Blue for her to come down on this past Monday and spend Thanksgiving with us. 

Seeing as this may be the one time we get to race together this year, we contemplated running in the 13.1 mile race.  We talked and I told her that I had not run in five weeks (well, one 4 mile run nothwithstanding) and she said great because she had not been training either.  We decided, "what the heck.." and threw our hat in the ring along with 10,000 eager runners (who most likely trained to have a good race).  This being said, being the uber competitive person Julie is, she not only wanted to run in the race, but wanted to set a PR for herself by running 8 minute miles throughout the race. How ridiculous is that?

So tomorrow we are ready to lace them up and see how the "rest" has treated us.  Julie has run a couple short runs in the past month, but on Monday she went for a 4 mile run.  Coming from Seattle, I guess she wasn't prepared for an 85 degree day with humidity.  She struggled through her run and may have hurt her confidence a little.  I, being completely indifferent to the race tomorrow decided after 5 weeks off I better run 2 miles tonight to warm up the legs- why?  I have no idea just seemed like a good idea.  Who am I kidding, like one small jog is going to help my cause.  I made Julie go and although it was a bit cooler, we ran those two miles at an 8:45 pace....hmmm a little off our target.  Until you actually do it, you don't realize how quickly you lose your fitness.  I assure you it doesn't take longer than 5 weeks to feel like you are starting over. 

So the gun will start at 7:00 am tomorrow in Jacksonville.  The air temperature is supposed to be about 45 degrees and getting up to about 50 by the time we finish, little colder than last year when it was about 75 degrees at the finish line.  I guess the only things I am prepared for are:

1.  It will be cold
2.  I am going to be in pain
3.  The only certainty will be my nutrition
4.  I can eat a lot of turkey, have a few adult beverages and watch football after suffering through a half marathon.

For the race, Julie and I will eat a PB & J in the am along with some water or Gatorade to hydrate.  I will eat about 300 calories on the run and Julie will probably eat about 150-200.  I will be consuming GU's on the run and Julie is still undetermined (better decide soon chica-HA). 

I have always told other training that racing is 90% mental and that if someone has a tough mental state of mind they will be able to suffer through the pain and finish what they set out to accomplish.  Well tomorrow is a test of my mantra and will.  I have been in races where I was pushed to the brink and finished so I am assuming tomorrow won't be as tough, but breaking 1:45 might be asking a bit much.  We will find out in about 11 hours.  Since we are bucking every trend training mindset, we also decided to buy new running shoes and wear them tomorrow.  What the heck, we will already be in pain and honestly, Julie needed them, she had been running in her pair of shoes for almost 2 years(yeah I know right?).  So no training, new shoes and of yeah we have indulged in some adult beverages the past few days since she has been here.  Why not right? 

Tomorrow will be fun if nothing else.  Julie and I will have gotten to race and it is Thanksgiving.   I would never recommend to anyone what we are doing tomorrow, but it will be nice to know how tough we are mentally.  We will let everyone know how it goes and if we can reach our goal of breaking 1:45. 

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!