Thursday, December 8, 2011

OUCH, It hurts

It's time!  I have taken 6 weeks off from training (well except for two half marathons that I ran and a horrible hundred bike ride).  As I come back I always wonder why it was so easy for me to get out of the routine of not training, but a long sluggish road to get back into it.  I hope someone else experiences this cause  I can't be the only one can I?  That is now in the past and it is time to refocus and start preparing for my tri season which will include a few "A" races:

Ironman New Orleans 70.3 in April
Ironman Coeur D'Alene in June
Hy Vee Us Championships in September

I think the hardest thing to do is train in the off season when there aren't any races for months.  The first scheduled race I am going to do is at the end of March in Clermont, Florida during the great Clermont Challenge.  Earlier in the year than most triathletes but, I am always chomping at the bit by the time March rolls around and I absolutely love the race course down there.  I am uber competitive so that helps me focus and anytime I want to take an unscheduled day off I always think about the other athletes out there pushing themselves to kick my butt on race day.  I saw a saying on a Nike shirt that I loved, it said, "I kick my butt today so that I can kick yours tomorrow".
So this week I am easing myself back into the routine and swam on Monday for the first time since October 16.  If anyone has taken a substantial time off from the pool and then jumped backed in, you know what I went through- breathing heavy, sore muscles, inefficient swim stroke- ahhhh yes the joys of swimming.  Why do you like to swim again Julie?  This is my worst of the disciplines so I have to force myself to the pool.  Once I am there I am good, but Monday was tough.  I swam 50 laps and to my surprise I didn't lose that much speed, just endurance.  This will obviously take some time to build that endurance back again. 

Yesterday I rode on the spinner bike for an hour.  Yep, my legs were wondering what the **** was I doing?  I need to get them to have some endurance as Sunday I will begin my group rides back with the Open Road Bicycles (Best Bike shop in Jacksonville) and they aren't going to wait for me if I tell them, "I am sucking wind".  I think they actually get enjoyment out of punishing me and making me suffer, but I welcome it because the only way to get better is to ride with people better than yourself.  So bring the pain!
Triathlon is 90% mental so if you can persevere through the tough times, when your body is screaming at you to quit then you will make yourself a better athlete.  Heck, if you can do this in your everyday life as well, you will make yourself a stronger, more resilient person. 

So the pool is calling my name again tomorrow...Yippee - did you sense that sarcasm?  Followed by a short 1-2 mile run. 
It feels good to be back and I am looking forward to hearing other triathlon stories along the road through next Spring, Summer and Fall.  Work hard and enjoy every moment. 

PS- I know I have been waiting for the Ironman World Championships to be aired on NBC and they are finally here....Saturday, December 10 at 4:30 PM EST catch the greatest one day event in the world! ENJOY AND BE INSPIRED!

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