Thursday, August 4, 2011

No Excuse Anymore: response

I am so excited that you are officially signed up for your first race. Before you get started there is one rule you must know:

Rule 1: Know going into the race that this will now be your passion and will probably make a lot of decisions for you going forward. Where does my extra cash go; triathletes are known for being tech junkies. Races will now decide where you vacation; I am heading to Des Moines over Labor Day Weekend. You will now get up more before dawn than you have in the past ten years combined. A major food source will now include gu's and gels and you will spend a lot of time in spandex, HA.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Warning heard. The first time I exercise before dawn will be the day that I know things have changed. I'm already thinking: I can't believe I am paying for this!