Saturday, August 27, 2011

I Live for Race Day!

Well, this is the last night before your first race! Jitters, I hope so. If you are not nervous something is wrong with you. This is where your training plan and trust of all that you did leading up to the race pays off. Nutrition, You have that down right? Just don't do anything stupid, like try something new tonight or tomorrow morning.

One note that may be of interest... You might want to bring a small roll of your own toilet paper or pick up a travel size one from a Walgreen's or CVS. I assure you this will come in handy. When you have 300-500+ people using a few port-a-potties (all with race day jitters) TP tends to be valuable. I could probably sell TP for $5.00 a roll 20 minutes before transition closes. Heck, It would be smart for a Charmin or a another TP company to be a sponsor of a tri. (I also always thought that Gillette or Schick razors should be an official sponsor of a longer race (70.3 or 140.6)- most shave their legs and it could be a cool setup at packet pickup (imagine the "Gillette Fusion truck" truck there- testing razors, HA- Yeah you have all seen the commercials... I digress..

Anyway, on race night I always...

1. Put all my numbers on my bike, helmet and race number on my belt.
2. Pack my race bag, you do it the morning of you might forget something

SWIM- (goggles (2 pair), towel, wetsuit, swim cap, anti-chaff cream for under arms if you want. Also good to put on legs and forearms so you can get your wetsuit off a little easier.

BIKE- Bicycle, bike pump, bike bag (for flats), cycling shoes (or sneakers if you do not have clip-in pedals, helmet, race belt with number, sunglasses, water bottles (for sprint 1 bottle is fine), socks

RUN- running shoes, hat or visor (if needed), race belt (if not already on from bike), GU or nutrition if need (100 calories will suffice)

-Attire will differ depending on what you decided to wear on race day (tri suit or changing in T1 and T2).

3. Pump up tires at night and check in the AM to make sure there aren't any slow leaks in the tubes.
4. drink water(want your pee to be light yellow)
5. eat dinner early (eat your carbs)
6. Put your bike rack on your car (if needed).
7. Set out food you will eat in the AM.
8. Charge ipod to listen to pre-race.
9. Pack a set of clothes to wear after the race.
10. Bring a recovery drink (Gatorade Recover or my favorite Chocolate Milk)- you will have to bring a small cooler if bringing this to keep it cold.
11. Try and go to bed at a decent hour.
12. Get up early enough so you are not rushing. It will be early either way so does it really matter whether it is 4 am or 4:30?

*If you are a coffee drinker and use it to start each day (I do) go ahead and drink some coffee. If that is part of your routine then go ahead and pour yourself a cup (I would recommend about 6-8 oz at the most). Not enough to dehydrate you, but enough to give you a good pick me up.

Go ahead and enjoy this moment, tomorrow you will become a triathlete and the addiction will become stronger !

I heard this used as an affirmation at my first 70.3 in Orlando by an individual who had written himself about 30 different notes. The race director saw that he had tossed this one on the ground and read it to everyone over the microphone cause it's good,

"Pain is Weakness leaving the body"

Tomorrow you may be sore, but do your best, whatever that may be and you will enjoy every moment. Stay after the race and enjoy the food and camaraderie. It is all part of the experience. One of many to come.

You are now one of the 2.3 million people (USAT) that participate in a triathlon each year.

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