Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Post Race Day Focus

I don't think its any surprise that I am now hooked on triathlons. The race was fantastic and already I am thinking about areas in which I can improve. (Oh by the way, I totally blew my expectations and finished first in my division.)

One thing that kept me focused on training was definitely having a goal. I knew that when I signed up for the Lake Meridian tri, that I had about a month to focus. What I am concerned about is not being able to keep up with training when there is no goal. I know there is still time to sign up for another triathlon before the winter comes, but unfortunately, financial funds (before the sponsorships come in..hahaha) is keeping things limited.

I am already signed up for the Bellingham Bay Half Marathon in September, so that will be my focus for the next month. I am going to continue to swim and bike as part of the training, but increasing my road miles is going to be important right now.

Dan, any thoughts on keeping focus when there is no upcoming event? And, you can't say "sign up for another."

Dan: Sign up for another race! HAHA

Yes, without signing up for a race, focus on your times. Focus on what needs the most improvement- being a newbie you can probably get better in all aspects. If you want faster splits in swim, bike or run set your goals. Focus on one discipline at a time.

If you ran 8:30's and want to get to 8:00 that goal will keep you motivated. Then once you have reached that time, you can add a bike split before the run and try and maintain the same speed. My goal this year was to get faster on the bike. I did a lot of spinning classes and tons of group rides- all with riders better than myself. I got dropped every ride at the beginning, but now can hold my own against some of the faster riders and have averaged 25 MPH plus in some races. When I push myself in a bike workout, I will then go out and run and see how the legs feel after cause if I am working hard I am pushing big gears. Pictures are also motivation for me. I have used these two pictures on my fridge for the past year and a half. They are ads from Cycleops (indoor trainer) but are great motivation:

The first picture says, "This is where you win races that don't start for six months"- has a guy in his basement on his cycleops

The second picture says, "The guy on the horizon isn't a cyclist, He's a victim"

I will watch Ironman races on http://www.universalsports.com/

Motivation is different for everyone. Write down your goals for next year, races you would like to do. Once you have races planned in your head you can cater your training to these goals.

Winter is a long time (especially for you) so vary your routine as well. Try spinning classes, core workouts, lift some weights as routines can get boring. The biggest thing to do is to write your goals down. post them on your fridge, on your calendars seeing the goals everyday will help you continue to train even when you don't want to.

Then join me in Idaho for Ironman CDA.....

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