Monday, August 22, 2011

@*#! It's Race Week! Am I ready?

The hardest thing for a triathlete to do is to trust your training. Athletes leading up to a race will question themselves. Did I train hard enough? Did I bike or run as much as I should? Did I swim enough laps?

The best thing to do is not worry about what you could have done. You had a plan, you stuck to it, now you are ready. Visualize positive images - getting out of the water, riding well on the bike and crossing the finish line where medals, food and camaraderie await.

If this is your first race, the biggest thing is to race your race and the goal of the day is TO FINISH! Do not worry about what others are doing or who may pass you and "STOP, looking at the left calf of everyone around you!"(that is where they mark your age or special category)

It's Monday and your race is Saturday. If this is a shorter distance race (Sprint or Olympic) I typically train until Thursday (not hard week, but out there logging miles). I will swim easy on Thursday morning, take the rest of the day off and take Friday off completely. I find that my body responds better with a little more pre race rest. This is trial and error, I know people that do something each day until their sprint distance race so it all depends on your body. You will learn what works best for you the more races you compete in.

I would suggest that this week be a three day swimming week, Today, Wednesday and Thursday. Maybe today throw in a short run after your swim. Tuesday, ride your bike followed by another short run. Wednesday and Thursday just swim. Your nerves will be with you all week so trying to calm yourself throughout the week is ideal. If you typically train with an ipod or music, try doing a workout without that distraction, so you can work on your mental state of mind. Triathlon is almost as much mental as it is physical so preparing for that aspect will only strengthen you for race day.

1 comment:

Julie said...

What? Swimming 3x this week? I never do that much! I will be replacing swimming tonight with wine. Hope that works too. Biking tomorrow. Then a swim on Wednesday.