Sunday, August 28, 2011

Julie's First Tri: Lake Meridian, WA

Ok, Dan you were right: I'm already thinking about the next race. Is it too early to say I am addicted? I am sitting here, anxiously waiting results of my race...

While I outwardly spoke out that my goal for my first triathlon (sprint at Lake Meridian, WA) was to finish the race. Quietly I knew this wasn't enough I wanted a good showing; its the competitor in me. So I was thrilled when things went not getting a flat tire and no digestive issues. Thanks for getting me prepared for this. Also a big thanks to my friends Schuyler and Tara for showing me the ropes and doing the race with me.

I was a little concerned about how I was going to perform after only an hour's nights rest. The night before a race I can never seem to sleep...we will need to cover this as a topic later on! Luckily the previous night I had slept well. Breakfast consisted of a pb&j, banana, and a Gatorade Prime. Everything stayed down (as opposed to the day of my first half marathon.)

I definitely was pretty intimidated when we arrived at the race and started to set up transition. People have some fancy bikes and some pretty techy gear. I didn't let it get to me thought, I mean my goal was to just finish, right?

This tri started with a deep water start, and with the temperature of the water at 74 degrees (warmer than the air) it was a pretty comfortable and calming pre-start. Of course once everyone started, I definitely felt the "washing machine" effect and at one point just stopped cause there was no where to go. One swimming for about 5 minutes I was able to find my own space and get in the groove. Reviewing the race, the swimming was actually my favorite leg! I think I definitely entered "the zone."

I was definitely worried last night about not being fully prepared for the bike. I had really only been on that particular bike twice! Also, I was doing this race without the proper equipment to change a tire. I was just hoping that I wouldn't have to stop racing if a tire went flat. Phew! Another thing I learned was to take the bike for a little spin after taking it out of the car. When I first jumped on the bike, my gears were not catching and I almost thought I was going to have to get off the bike. I think I should have just double checked everything before I put it on the rack! Another topic we will have to discuss in the future is rules of drafting and passing. While this triathlon was not super strict, for future races it would be nice to know to avoid penalty.

The run was definitely the worst leg. Although going in I was thinking that this would be my strong part, I was not prepared for the tightness and jelly feeling (how contradictory) that I was going to feel. The first mile was definitely the worst as it felt like I was running on new legs. As I continued to run I could feel my legs loosening up a little more which allowed me to increase my stride. I think in my continued training I want to practice more bike/run bricks to help tackle this feeling.

Overall, this was an awesome experience! The weather was ideal and French toast was served for athletes...uh, awesome! I will post my times when they are made available. Really stoked to see how I did...especially when I had no expectations for how fast I would be going in. Will keep you posted.

1 comment:

Dan said...

Race Addiction..Happens to every triathlete. The only cure is more races!